Long Overdue – grab your tissues

On May 8, 2012 I received a text message no granddaughter ever wants to get “Gramma fell shes at south county fell on knee she had replaced”. The worst part about getting this text was that I was turning my phone off to fly home from a week-long vacation in Florida.  The next 17 days would be lunch hours at the hospital, sometimes those lunch hours would be longer than an hour, late night phone calls and having to go to the hospital, a lot of time with family and finally saying goodbye to the best grandmother anyone could ask for.

I’m going to apologize now for this post as it is going to be ALL over the place.


Little me and Grammie Ruth

Growing up I was lucky enough to spend most of my time with my grandparents. Friday night dinners at Cathay Garden or The Kent Restaurant, popcorn and TV shows, coffee ice cream, countless meals and desserts, birthdays, family reunions and so on.  My grandmother, Ruth Weindel, was the best. As  I reflect on having lost her over a year ago I try to remember how lucky I was to spend so much time with her.

Things from those 17 days are still etched in my memory, so many hugs, laughs and tears.  I think it was a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon and my mom called and said there would be a family meeting, the hospital only 5 or so minutes from my office I was torn…I decided after my boss went into a meeting that I was leaving, luckily he is family and understood.

When my gram fell she had broken her leg, went through surgery, a couple of days at a nursing rehab center and then other health issues came to light…PSA: do not take heartburn lightly as she did! Towards the end Gram wouldn’t eat and the day of the family meeting she and Gramp had decided that she was done fighting and would be put on hospice.

I don’t think I have ever hugged my Gram so tight or so long. I’ll never forget what I said “What am I going to do without you” and she said “Love Gramp”…even now over a year later it is hard to be around my Gramp too long…Luckily through all of this I had the most amazing person by my side, James. The poor guy always had a wet shoulder but he was given the greatest task of all the last day my Gram talked she told James “Take care of my girl.” Talk about guilt haha…(I’ve been crying the entire time while writing this and this one made me laugh…thank God!)

Gram and Crosby getting to meet in the nursing home!

Crosby visiting Gram!

One year after losing the rock of our family we held the “Ruth Weindel Memorial Golf Tournament”. All proceeds to be donated to South Country Charities. May 25, 2013 was a nasty rotten rainy day…only one foursome dropped out. 




A week or so later we presented the donation…We successfully raised $7,400 much to our surprise!

Heidi (My Aunt), Susan (My Aunt), Nancy (Mom)
Timmy (South County Charities), Gramp (The Man!)

A Dog’s Life – Part Three

Crosby has been up to his usual antics while I’ve been M.I.A…take a peek..


Our baby turned 1…and we got him the most amazing cake!!


Enjoying his cake!


Having high hopes that the Penguins will win The Cup…Yes, we know how that ended.


He is still napping regularly…don’t worry!


Just the other day Crosby became a “tripod” as a friend of mine called him. He is doing much better now though!

Revisiting the Bucket List

If you missed it at the beginning of the year I created a Bucket List (check it out here http://wp.me/p30TIv-y)

Here is the update…

1. Run a 5k, so far so good with the C25K app. – need to get back on this…

2. Run a 10k, yes this is ambitious but hey, stranger things have happened. – well if you read 1 you know where this is at…

3. Take James to the aquarium, the poor guy has never been to an aquarium. – WE DID THIS! YAY!

4. Go on a hot air balloon ride. This one isn’t so much an option as we were given it as a gift for Christmas, it is definitely going to take some guts though. – this will be a summer event

5. Lose 60 pounds, 10 pounds at a time. (To date I’m down 4.4) – To date I’ve lost 13 pounds…lets keep on the good foot!

6. Go to a NASCAR race, only because James enjoys it and I’m making an honest effort to enjoy it too. – We will be going to NH July 13 (I think)

7. Make the deans list. This is going to be a tough one! – I’ll do a school update soon, but it’s definitely not deans list…B’s are still good though

8. Write a blog post at least twice a week. – HA…Not doing well, but I’m back!!

9. Save money. Not only for our cruise, more details in a later post, but for the future. – Could be doing better!

10. Teach Crosby how to catch a frisbee. – This hasn’t even begun…

Well looks like I need to get my butt in gear!

Where I’ve Been…

Plain and simple…


I promise I will get up to date ASAP!

What Will They Come Up With Next…

I find that tax season is not exciting to say the least, long hours in front of a computer and short hours of sleep. The smallest things amuse you at this point. Technology isn’t generally friendly, but when I saw the USB drive that a client dropped off…I knew it was friendly and my day had been saved!



Yes you saw that right…it is Brian from Family Guy! I remember when flash drives cost $60, I saw this one for only $20. How crazy! I may just buy them for everyone!

Bra-less, Maybe Brainless

I’ve recently started going to the gym most mornings with some friends. Every night I pack my bag so that I’m ready to head out the door in the morning. Well a couple weeks ago I neglected to do it the night before and was in a rush. Nothing was organized, I threw my clothes, toiletries, shoes, and towel in my bag and off I go.


I get to the gym on time, thank goodness. We do our regular 2-3 mile walk on the treadmill and I go into the locker room to shower and head into the office. As I’m unpacking my messy bag I realize I have forgotten a bra. There was no way I could wear a sports bra all day! I rush in the shower and throw my sweater on, sans bra, it was some what liberating. I rush home, grab a bra and wasn’t even late for work. Never again will I pack my gym bag in the morning!!

A Dog’s Life – Part Two

Crosby has had a rough few weeks, a blizzard, getting wrapped up in a scarf and helping me with homework. Don’t forget the ever important sleeping!

Here is the review in pictures…








Crosby appreciates everyone checking out his photos and will be updating again soon!


Blizzard of 2013

The week of February 3rd was quite dramatic here in New England. We had to being preparing for a blizzard that was to come the 8th or 9th. We don’t take storms lightly here. They tell us you may lose power, people run to the store and buy milk and bread, I still don’t understand that whole idea but I digress. When James and I hear such words or that we might be stuck in the house we go to one place, the liquor store!

This is the Wickford Package Store…owned by family friends. Please don’t think we didn’t have food, we did. Now starts the “fun”…It was incredibly windy and snowing about 2 inches an hour. We still had power so we were very excited.

This is our yard at about 8:30pm, mind you we live behind a car dealership. We decided a game would be fun, one that would occupy us for awhile. Risk it is! It is extremely difficult to play with two people, so many rules!

The game of global domination. To this day, February 21st, it is still a full-blown game on our kitchen table. Then 9 o’clock rolls around.

Yes we lost power, and went to bed! I woke up at 4 am the house was 50 degrees, no estimated time for power restoration and a travel ban! Wonderful, not! We stayed up until about 9 and decided going back to bed later woke up at 1:30 pm, it was time to take Crosby out and get the cars out…



Luckily we were taken in by great friends as we didn’t get power back until Sunday the 10th at about 3 pm…not to mention we got more snow the weekend of the 16th and we are expected to get more this weekend.

Family Night – Number 1

It all started with an e-mail to my mom saying “I miss you. Come to Pizza Friday with us tomorrow.” Before I knew it there were seven of us for Pizza Friday at Tony’s Pizza Palace. Afterwards we went to Wickford Lanes for some duckpin bowling!

Here is the night summed up in several photos.

Everyone enjoying pizza!

James, Mom, Mitch (Mom’s boyfriend), Uncle Dennis, Auntie (Heidi), and Gramp after too much pizza.

Deciding how this is going to work, Gramp the score keeper.

Trying my best!

It was great to spend some unexpected time with family!

Couch 2 5K – Progress Report

On January 6th I began C25K. I have successfully completed 4 weeks of the Couch 2 5K program. This past Sunday I completed Week 5 Day 1, 2.01 total miles. It is an amazing feeling. I have adjusted a few things. The most important adjustment was new sneakers!


Only 12 more trainings until I have completed C25K. Wish me luck on the rest of my journey. I see C210K in my future.

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